About Us
Op2Lysis mandate is to improve the management and treatment of cerebrovascular thrombotic diseases by offering a breakthrough technology accessible to any hospital in order to reduce patient dependency and associated costs. Development choices are based on an existing documented clinical proof of concept. Op2lysis researches and develops innovative medicines whose purpose is to lyse hematoma and blood clot formed during thrombosis in the brain. Products of our portfolio are based on our NANOp2Lysis® technology and on our innovative thrombolytic agent, OptPA.

Since inception, the two entrepreneurs have raised several rounds of funding to develop the first product, O2L-001, the company’s strategy and to build a competitive team to advance the NANOp2Lysis® products.
Inception of Op2Lysis SAS
Op2Lysis arose from to the combination of the development expertise of Christophe Gaudin (Plavix®, Lovenox®) in the cardio-vascular field, including large clinical trial and the research expertise of Jérôme Parcq (OptPA invention) in the cerebro-vascular field. Op2Lysis was founded to valorize the thrombolytic agent, OptPA developed by Jérôme Parcq at inserm/Caen University and to answer unmet clinical needs in stroke.
Acknowledgment of Op2Lysis development potential
Op2Lysis was laureate of the NETVA Boston and i-LAB. Op2Lysis has received the label « Seal Of Excellence » from SME Instrument Phase 1 call of project.
First prototypes of O2L-001 and proof of concept of O2L-001 in hemorrhagic stroke
Op2Lysis produced its first batches and prototypes of O2L-001 and showed on the best translational models the high thrombolytic efficacy of its product.
Inception of Op2Lysis Development SA, NANOp2Lysis® Platform
Op2Lysis Development SA, sister company of Op2Lysis SAS is created in Liege (Belgium) to drive regulatory development of Op2Lysis products. The NANOp2Lysis® platform is the link between the two legs of the company.
European funding support
Op2Lysis was laureate of the EIC accelerator.

Christophe Gaudin
CEO of Op2Lysis and co-founder
Christophe Gaudin’s track record with a successful 20-year drug development experience in pharma industry at Sanofi – including international registration (US, EU and Japan) of anti-thrombotic blockbusters (Plavix®, Lovenox®) for ischemic diseases such as heart attack and of a new chemical entity (Multaq®) for the treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation – is a perfect fit to the purpose of the proposed development structure dedicated to O2L-001. Christophe is the author of 60 peer-reviewed publications and 13 use patents.

Jérôme Parcq
CSO of Op2Lysis and co-founder
Jérôme Parcq’s experience is complementary, with a 15-year focused background in stroke and neurovascular research. He also benefited from a training in entrepreneurship (Challenge+, HEC, Paris; Engineer in Agronomy) and has multidisciplinary skills highly compatible with innovative entrepreneurship, as required for Op2Lysis. Jerôme is the author of 18 peer-reviewed publications and of two families of patents that protect O2L-001.

Kathy Van Butsele
Ph.D., Regulatory Affairs - CMC

Solène Palmieri
Pharm.D. & Toxicologist, Regulatory Affairs - non clinical development

Audrey Thiebaut
Ph.D., R&D project manager

Mélina Ianszen

Leen Limbourg
Board member’s representative of Noshaq SA

Philippe Monteyne
Board member

Thierry Sempere
Board member’s representative of Wiseed investors
Christophe Gaudin
CEO of Op2Lysis and co-founder
Jérôme Parcq
CSO of Op2Lysis and co-founder

Dr. Charlotte Cordonnier
Neurologist (Lille, France). Investigator and coordinator on cerebral hemorrhage clinical trials.

Dr. Daniel F Hanley
Neurologist and Neurosurgeon (Baltimore, USA), principal investogator and coordinator on cerebral hemorrhage clinical trials.

Dr. Cécile Oury
Hematologist (Liège, Belgium), president of the Belgian Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis.

Dr. Denis Vivien
Neuroscientist (Caen, France) and expert in thrombolytics, Director of Blood and Brain @ Caen Institute.

our values
Because health is at the heart of our concerns, we have for ambition to offer a better health care for patients with a stroke, starting with the development of a treatment able to reduce the detrimental consequences of hemorrhagic stroke.
Because innovation must emerge at the right time, we benefit from the most recent technical and scientific advancements to support the best value of our technology: to reduce hematoma volume while protecting the brain; medical imaging progress to support the work of the neurosurgeons; a unique injection to minimize (reduce) processing time.
Perseverance inspires every individual in our team. To overcome all difficulties, to challenge ourselves and to find treatments that will improve health care are all values which matter to our collaborators
Because we search for a cure to reduce the risks of disability and death, all collaborators are expected to perform at their full potential and beyond.